To use the map, you’ll start at the entrance to the Bosque near the Rio Grande Nature Center. The combination to the first lock is 7572. Read the pieces of the story inside each lock (or on this website, if your lock is missing a story piece for some reason*), and follow the instructions to choose your next destination. The path you choose might lead you to another lock (for which you’ll be provided the combination) or to a QR sticker, which will have the password for the post on this website written on the sticker.

Follow the story through each of the locks and stickers to discover all of the possible endings and all of the possible narrative paths your journey might take. The photos above are of each of the actual locks and stickers—if you can’t find the lock or sticker you’re looking for right away, use the photos for reference. Sometimes the sticker might be located near your destination, but not inside of it—try searching the street signs on the nearest intersection.

This story map is meant to be a game, a process of discovery, and a puzzle to solve. Its contents are rated PG and are appropriate for kids and adults alike. Have fun!

*If your lock is missing a piece of the story, please email us to let us know using the contact form on the About page of this site, and we’ll do our best to replace it for the next person.

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